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Almost Three Decades of Music from the Gardens of St. Francis

In May and June, the Kostanjevica Franciscan monastery in Nova Gorica acts as the venue for the Music from St. Francis’ Garden festival. For the last 25 years, we have striven to enrich the spiritual power of this extraordinary cultural and historical jewel, standing on the strip of land between Nova Gorica and the neighbouring Gorizia, with vocal and instrumental music. When the magnificent and fragrant Bourbon roses are in full bloom, the harmonies of the Music from St. Francis’ Garden series resonate in the monastery’s church and hall. We follow the vision, as set at the very beginning, to host seven music events that promote Slovenian, local, cross-border and Italian creativity and artistic performances.


Musicians of “Goriška Gardens” from both sides of the border

Performers are selected from the pool of acclaimed Slovenian and Italian musicians, and in particular, young talents from both sides of the border who are still making their way onto concert stages. These free events attract many visitors and represent an opportunity for the promotion of Slovenian music creativity, as well as the preservation and promotion the musical heritage of the two cities. Occasionally,

during the Music from St. Francis’ festival, we offer free guided tours of the Bourbon tombs and the Škrabec library. It is an amazing opportunity to mingle with people from this cross-border territory, where different nations and cultures meet.

Barbara Poša Belingar
Public relations, organization and
coordination of cultural programs

T: 05 335 40 13
E: pr@kulturnidom-ng.si


Box Office

T: 05 335 40 16
E: blagajna@kulturnidom-ng.si

Impressions Of Performing Musicians within the cycle Music from St. Francis’ Garden

“V veselje in zadovoljstvo nam je bilo igrati v prelepi dvorani samostana idilične Kostanjevice v Novi Gorici! Hvala lepa za vaše gostoljubje.”
Trio Rupnik – Manca, Nejc in Anže
8. maj 2018
“Me siento maravillado y agradecido de haber podido tocar en un lugar tan especial… siento que fue el lugar indicado para tocar especialmente el Trio Op. 70 No. 1 de Beethoven. Espero volver pronto y poder apreciar más en detalle la historia y la atmosfera. Hvala!”
José Andrés Navarro, pianist (Trio Art z Veroniko Brecelj, violinistko in Dorottyo Standi, violončelistko)
5. junij 2018
“Sveti Frančišek – polna dvorana ljudi, ki Guštirajo. Hvala!”
GUŠTIRANJE GLASBE IN POEZIJE – prepletanje avtorske glasbe Anžeta Vrabca in poezije primorskih ustvarjalcev.
14. junij 2018
“Lepa priložnost za mlade, še uveljavljajoče se ustvarjalce, da pripravijo samostojen koncert in se predstavijo občinstvu. Krasno okolje cvetočega samostana in zelo prijetna dvorana za petje, prav tako tudi zelo lepo poskrbljeno za izvajalce.”
Rebeka Pregelj, sopranistka
14. maj 2019
“Za nami je lep pevski večer z izvrstno sopranistko Rebeko Pregelj. Kot njen pianist z Akademije za glasbo v Ljubljani, sem zelo vesel, da se je lepo predstavila v čudovitem samostanskem ambientu in seveda ob tako številčni in hvaležni publiki, ki naju je bodrila skozi cel recital. Iskrena hvala organizatorjem za tako lep večer. Pohvala vsem v želji, da bo tradicija tovrstnih koncertov tekla še naprej. Hvala za prijetno druženje!”
Tadej Podobnik, pianist
14. maj 2019
“Hvala za organizacijo koncerta in prijetno druženje ob vodnjaku. Upamo, da se ob podobni priložnosti zopet srečamo. Posebna zahvala skladatelju Bojanu Glavini za obisk koncerta in koristne napotke za izvedbo njegovega dela.”
Sanja Repše, violončelistka
21. maj 2019
“Prisrčno, gostoljubno, umetniško… pravi užitek za razvajanje s kitaro. Hvala !”
Marko Feri, kitarist
21. maj 2019

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