KIT – Cultural Information Touchpoint
KIT – Cultural Information Touchpoint
The Nova Gorica railway station, which stands next to the renown Trg Evrope, the most visible meeting point of Nova Gorica and Gorizia, houses the transborder Culture Information Point (CIP). From its foundation in 2016 onwards, its mission is to connect Nova Gorica and Gorizia and provide cultural and tourist information linked to Nova Gorica and the neighbouring Gorizia as well as Slovenia as a whole and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. This was also recognised by the Municipality of Nova Gorica and the neighbouring municipality of Gorizia, both of which financially support its operation. For the successful operation of CIP, its friendly and educated staff are of vital importance, for they often represent the first contact the tourist from all around the world have with our town. Numerous tourists come to visit the famous and unique transborder square Trg Evrope with the mosaic created by Franco Vecchiet.
CIP, which also houses a small gift shop with craft souvenirs and interesting books on the region, also offers guided tours of Nova Gorica and Gorizia in Slovenian and Italian languages. From December 2019 onwards we are also proud to host the permanent exhibition Bohinj Railway Line, The ‘Tracks of Three Nations Along the Soča River’ in the hall of the Nova Gorica railway station. The exhibition, a tangible result of cross-border cooperation, emerged from the desire for a more concrete presentation of the Bohinj railway, its role in the past and today and the desires linked to its modernisation in the future. The exhibition is co-financed by the Programme Interreg V-A Italia – Slovenija 2014–2020, the European Regional Development Fund and the national fund for the European project Isonzo – Soča.
SPECIAL NOTICE: The Information Point will be closed during the renovation of Nova Gorica Train Station. Greetings until the reopening!
Cultural information touchpoint
Kolodvorska 8
SI-5000 Nova Gorica
Monday – Friday:
9.00 – 12.00 and 12.30 – 16.00
Saturday and Sunday:
We are closed on public holidays, except on special occasions.
Gift Shop
The Cultural information touchpoint (KIT) has also a souvenir gift shop where you can find homemade products and crafts of the local artists and souvenirs such as magnets, postcards, T-shirts and bags with the logo of the “mosaic of new Europe”, the simbol of the Europe/ Transalpina square.
Permanent Exhibition
V avli Železniške postaje Nova Gorica smo postavili tudi stalno razstavo Bohinjska proga: Ob Soči po “tiru treh narodov”, ki je otipljiv rezultat čezmejnega sodelovanja. Nastala je iz želje po konkretnejši predstavitvi Bohinjske železnice, njene vloge nekoč in danes ter želja vezanih na njeno posodobitev v prihodnosti. Razstava je nastala v organizaciji Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica in Kulturno-informacijske stične točke KIT v sodelovanju z EZTS GO – Evropskim združenjem za teritorialno sodelovanje med občinami Gorica (I), Nova Gorica in Šempeter-Vrtojba (SLO). Razstava je na ogled po urniku Železniške postaje Nova Gorica, vstop prost.
Guided Tours
V duhu čezmejnega sodelovanja in spoznavanja obeh Goric smo poleg informiranja o dogodkih z obeh strani meje naše delovanje nadgradili še z vodenimi sprehodi pod strokovnim vodstvom umetnostnega zgodovinarja Davida Kožuha. Začeli smo s sprehodom po Goriškem Korzu, ki smo ga večkrat organizirali tako v slovenskem kot italijanskem jeziku. Pri teh sprehodih gre za preplet strokovnega predavanja na prostem in vodenega ogleda, namenjeni pa so predvsem posameznikom.