"*" indicates required fields
Nova Gorica Arts Center does not have its own parking lot. Parking along the Kidričeva and the Gradnikove brigade streets is free of charge after 5 p.m. There is a payable underground car park in the tallest building (Eda Centre) about 50 metres from the Nova Gorica Arts Center.
Those who miss the beginning of an event, will be asked to wait until the short break between the first and the second part or the main break during theatre shows. If late for the screening, you will be allowed to enter the theatre only five minutes into the screening, provided that your seat is still available. The same rule applies to stage shows with no break.
The wardrobe opens half an hour before the event and closes half an hour after the event. Please do not leave valuables in the wardrobe.
The Nova Gorica Arts Centre is a public institution and therefore takes photographs during the events in order to post them on its social media platforms, web page and for other promotional purposes. If you do not want to appear on the photos, we kindly ask you to inform us about that.
The large theatre hall of the Nova Gorica Cultural Centre has an induction loop enabling people with hearing impairment to experience better the shows. If you have a compatible hearing aid, switch it to T or M+T.
Nova Gorica Arts Center has its own photographer, so any kind of photography and audio or video recording at events by unauthorized person is strictly prohibited. We also ask you to turn off all mobile devices when entering the hall.
For further information please contact:
Barbara Poša Belingar ,
Public relations, organization and
coordination of cultural programs
T: 05 335 40 13
It is forbidden to bring food and drinks into the halls of Nova Gorica Arts Center.
During the break you can refresh yourself in the Gallus Beer Bar located in the building of the Nova Gorica Arts Center.
- The Season Tickets are transferable, but only among visitors of the same category. If you wish to pass your ticket to someone who doesn’t have the same status as you, you should settle the difference at the box office before the show.
- Please, do not be late for the events. If, however, you arrive late, please follow the instructions given by our staff. We cannot guarantee you a seat if you arrive late.
- You are kindly asked to get your booked tickets within three days following your reservation.
- The reduced price tickets can be bought only at the box office.
- It is not possible to buy a reduced price ticket online.
- The purchase of tickets is final and without the possibility of a refund, change of dates or cancellation except in the case when the event is canceled.
For correct and pleasant cooperation, please, abide by the following rules regarding arrival and the use of our premises:
Performers entrance:
The performers entrance is the same as the entrance to our offices at the back of the building. You will find the entrance on the side of the Gradnikove brigade street, next to the Princess Admirall, on the top of the stairs, on the right side of the Gallus Cafe.
Parkirni prostor:
Nova Gorica Arts Center does not have its own parking lot, with the exception of a few parking spaces in the private parking lot of the Admirall Casino. Please inform our technical service regarding parking, in order to book parking spaces for you near the Nova Gorica Arts Centre.
Technical Requirements
Please send us your technical requirements (technical rider) in writing, no later than a week before the performance in order to organise our technical services at best. We do not answer for additional requests made the day of the event. The technical data for the small and the large theatre halls, as well as the available equipment at the Nova Gorica Arts Centre, is accessible on the Hall rental section of the page.
Technical Data of Small and Large Hall:
he technical data for the small and the large theatre halls, as well as the available equipment at the Nova Gorica Arts Centre, is accessible on the Hall Rental section of the page.
Contact and Information
Barbara Poša Belingar
Public relations, organization and
coordination of cultural programs
T: 05 335 40 13
Miran Šumandl
Head of Technical Services
T: 05 335 40 14
Contact and Information
Mateja Poljšak Furlan
Curator and Head of the Film Programme
T: 05 335 40 15
Tadej Hrovat
Technical Service
T: 05 335 40 17
The technical data for the small and the large theatre halls, as well as the available equipment at the Nova Gorica Arts Centre, are available on the Hall Rental section of the page.
Martina Mavrič
Coordinator of Musical Youth Programmes and Hall Rental
T: 05 335 40 10
Navodila za obiskovalce za zmanjševanje možnosti prenosa okužbe z virusom Covid-19 v naši hiši:
- V Kulturni dom Nova Gorica lahko vstopajo le zdrave osebe, ki ne kažejo znakov akutne bolezni dihal.
- Ob vstopu v prostor si je potrebno razkužiti roke ter ves čas obiska skrbeti za ustrezno higieno rok in kašlja.
- Uporaba lastne zaščitne maske v prostorih Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica je OBVEZNA.
- Med gibanjem po naših prostorih je potrebno ves čas upoštevati predpisano medsebojno varnostno razdaljo (najmanj 1,5 m), kadar ne gre za družinske člane ali člane skupnega gospodinjstva.
- Plačilo vstopnic – spodbuja se brezgotovinsko oz. brezstično plačevanje.
- Obiskovalci v dvorano vstopajo posamično (in tako tudi sedijo) razen v primeru družin z otroki in članov skupnega gospodinjstva.
- Obiskovalci morajo obvezno upoštevati navodila zaposlenih oz. biljeterjev glede posedanja na proste sedeže.
- Kontrolo vstopnic biljeterji opravijo brez stika.
Ekipa Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica.