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16. 10. / Monday / 20.15

Brass Quintet Sibrass

1st Concert
16. 10. / Monday / 20.15

Brass Quintet Sibrass

1st Concert
20. 11. / Monday / 20.15

Zagreb Soloists and Nuška Drašček

2nd Concert
20. 11. / Monday / 20.15

Zagreb Soloists and Nuška Drašček

2nd Concert
4. 12. /Monday / 20.15

Ansambel Dohnanyi

3rd Concert
4. 12. /Monday / 20.15

Ansambel Dohnanyi

3rd Concert
15. 1. / Monday / 20.15

Alban Berg Ensemble Wien

4th Concert
15. 1. / Monday / 20.15

Alban Berg Ensemble Wien

4th Concert
5. 2. / Monday / 20.15

Aleksandra Pavlovič in Milan Tomášik

5th Concert
5. 2. / Monday / 20.15

Aleksandra Pavlovič in Milan Tomášik

5th Concert
4. 3. / Monday / 20.15

Trio Boccherini

6th Concert
4. 3. / Monday / 20.15

Trio Boccherini

6th Concert
15. 4. / Monday / 20.15

Vocal Group Vikra

7th Concert
15. 4. / Monday / 20.15

Vocal Group Vikra

7th Concert
6 .5. / Monday / 20.15

Karol Szymanowski Quartet and Kevin Spagnolo

8th Concert
6 .5. / Monday / 20.15

Karol Szymanowski Quartet and Kevin Spagnolo

8th Concert
velika dvorana_abonma
velika dvorana_abonma

Four decades of Music at Nova Gorica Arts Centre

Since its founding, more than four decades ago, the Nova Gorica Arts Centre has been continuously active in arts and culture. According to many artists, experts and connoisseurs, it has grown into one of the central regional cultural institutions, recognized also in the wider Slovenian territory as well as in the international arena. The list of famous names to have performed at the Nova Gorica Arts Centre is impressive. Our stage has hosted top Slovenian and international soloist, chamber ensembles and numerous national philharmonic and symphonic orchestras. Our concert programmes have included most of the classical masterpieces, while paying particular attention to Slovenian artists.

ZBORNIK naslovnica_mala
ZBORNIK naslovnica_mala

The subscription concerts have also found a special place in the publication issued to celebrate our 40th anniversary and the 40th concert season subscriptions. The publication, Leščeče, brezhibno, odlično… Glasbena kritika v prostoru in času is especially valuable because it includes, besides the record and the analysis of all seasons, disappearing critic reviews analysed by the editor in chief Tatjana Gregorič in cooperation with musicologists Metka Sulič and Helena Filipčič Gardina. Despite the vanishing reviews of music critics and the centralization of musical reproduction, the Nova Gorica Arts Centre remains optimistic and continues to preserve and cultivate the beauty and quality of music expression.



When: from June 20 to August 30 2023

How: cocomplete and sign the application form and bring it to the box office of the the Nova Gorica Arts Centre.

Payment: from September 04 to September 29, 2023

The unique benefit for current subscribers to season tickets

    Invite a friend and enjoy the music in the pleasant company!

When signing up for season tickets, bring a new subscriber to season tickets with you, and we will offer both of you a benefit: 10% off season tickets price.



When: from September 04 to September 29, 2022

Where: with a completed and signed application form that you send to our address.

How: in person

Payment: upon subscription




Elevated part of the hall : 99 € (payment in instalments), 89 € (payment in full)
Non-elevated part of the hall: 89 € (payment in instalments), 79 € (payment in full)



Elevated part of the hall: 71 € (payment in instalments), 61 € (payment in full)
Non-elevated part of the hall: 64 € (payment in instalments), 54 € (payment in full)



Non-elevated part ONLY: 40 € (payment in instalments), 36 € (payment in full)


Single Concert Tickets: 17 €

Reduced Single Concert Ticket for Pensioners: 12 €

Reduced Single Concert Ticket for Children and Students: 10 €

Unemployed: free entry (upon presenting status evidence)

By signing up for season tickets, you get the following:

  • permanent seat in the hall,
  • lower ticket prices for extraordinary concerts,
  • instalment payment options for the season tickets.

Barbara Poša Belingar
Public relations, organization and
coordination of cultural programs

T: +386 5 335 40 13
E: pr@kulturnidom-ng.si


Box Office

T: +386 5 335 40 16
E: blagajna@kulturnidom-ng.si

Impressions Of Performing Musicians at Nova Gorica Arts Centre

“V veliko čast nam je, da smo imeli priložnost odpreti koncertno sezono v Kulturnem domu v Novi Gorici, kjer nas vedno tako prisrčno sprejmete in kjer je občinstvo odlično. Želimo Vam uspešno sezono in upamo, da z modernim programom sezone nismo tudi že malce »zaprli«. Tudi pršut je bil super!”
Pihalni kvintet Slowind
10. oktober 2011
“V iskreno veselje in čast mi je bilo, ko sem bil kot skladatelj povabljen, da sodelujem pri tem projektu. Ko se skladateljeva ideja zvočnosti in glasbene povednosti zlije na papir je to začetek dolge zgodbe… trdega dela in pretanjene subtilnosti dirigenta in zbora, da jo oživi in posreduje občinstvu, kateremu je bila glasba v začetku namenjena. In to dirigentu Matjažu Ščeku in zboru Ipavska lepo uspeva. Hvala za možnost, da sem bil lahko del čudovitega večera. Hvala za promocijo moje glasbe in njene sporočilnosti. Hvala za organizacijo in podporo temu projektu. Čestitam!”
Ambrož Čopi, skladatelj
14. maj 2012
“Zakon! Z veseljem smo se odzvali vašemu prijaznemu vabilu in z veseljem sem se vrnil na vaš oder po dolgih letih, ko smo zelo uspešno sodelovali še z Aleksandro Saksida. Hvala in še na prihodnje uspele sezone in vokalne koncerte.”
Stojan Kuret, dirigent
18. marec 2013
“Najlepša hvala za enkratno priložnost, da sem spet muziciral v Novi Gorici, tokrat s prekrasnimi godalci iz Bratislave, nepozabna intenziteta in mehkoba zvoka pa slovanska duša! “
Dušan Sodja, klarinetist s slovaško zasedbo Capella Istropolitana
7. december 2015
“Hvala za prisrčen sprejem in za čudovito publiko!”
Dubravka Tomšič-Srebotnjak, pianistka
21. november 2016
“Kulturnom domu u Novoj Gorici, sa zahvalnošču za gostoprimstvo i prekrasnu publiku kao i celokupno iskustvo. Mala mesta imaju dušu. Od srca!”
Simon Trpčeski, klavir (Makedonija)
13. februar 2017
“V Novo Gorico se vedno rad vračam, saj se je tu nekako začela moja glasbena pot. Spodbude in motivacije, ki sem jo prejel ter podporo tu ne bom nikoli pozabil. Skrbno sem zbiral pogum, saj vem, da so tu doma pevci z okusom. Želel pa sem v prostor vnesti to kar se zdaj piše in ponuditi občinstvu neslišano. Hvaležni smo za povabilo! Uživali smo!”
Ambrož Čopi, dirigent Komornega zbora Konservatorija za glasbo in balet Ljubljana
19. marec 2018
“Redko najdemo občinstvo, ki ima tako iskreno in brez zadržkov rado glasbo kot v Novi Gorici.”
Borut Smrekar, dirigent Orkestra Slovenske filharmonije
4. oktober 2019
“Dear new friends and audiences in Nova Gorica. It was our very first time to play in Slovenia tonight! Thank you so much for having us here in this beautiful concert hall in Nova Gorica! We really enjoyed playing for you and hope to see you soon again. All the best wishes.”
Jens Elvekjaer, pianist Trio con Brio Københaven
2. december 2019
“Vedno je lepo biti pri vas!!! Po tako dolgi kulturno-umetniški suši… pa še posebej… Hvala!”
Boštjan Lipovšek, umetniški vodja ENSEMBLE 1781
7. september 2020
“Užitek nastopiti kot solistka z orkestrom in počastiti Beethovnovo leto. Hvaležna, da smo ta koncert oz. dva koncerta uspeli v teh težkih časih izpeljati. Vedno sem srečna, ko se vrnem v svoje rodne kraje. Hvala.”
Veronika Brecelj, pianistka z Orkestrom Slovenske filharmonije
12. oktober 2020
“Najlepša hvala za tako toplo dobrodošlico, vsakič sem zelo ganjena in se z veseljem vračam.”
Eva-Nina Kozmus, violinistka z Godalnim kvartetom Van Kuijk
29. november 2021
“Muchísimas gracias por hacernos sentir en casa!”
Rubén Dubrovsky, dirigent Bach Consort Wien
10. januar 2022

The programme is co-financed

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