Oktober Jazz 2022

About October Jazz
The October Jazz Festival is co-produced with the Italian association Controtempo and the Festival of Jazz & Wine of Peace from Cormons. October Jazz rests on a more than a decade-long legacy of the Jesenski glasbeni tris (Autumn Musical Triplet series). Every autumn between 2004 and 2014, the Nova Gorica Arts Centre presented world music with fresh, interesting, exciting and colourful repertoires, which used to have a slightly wider focus on jazz, blues and gospel music. However, after a decade, jazz prevailed and, therefore, the name was changed to October Jazz. Every October, we host numerous jazz players from Slovenia, Friuli Venezia Giulia and other parts of Europe and the world, bringing the freshness of current jazz production to Nova Gorica.
Oktober Jazz 2021
Oktober Jazz 2019
Oktober Jazz 2018
Oktober Jazz 2017
Oktober Jazz 2016
Oktober Jazz 2015
Barbara Poša Belingar
Public relations, organization and
coordination of cultural programs
T: +386 (0)5 335 40 13
E: pr@kulturnidom-ng.si
Ticket office
T: +386 (0)5 335 40 16
E: blagajna@kulturnidom-ng.si