Kulturni Dom small logo
1. 12. 2023 / Friday / 20.15


Small Hall
1. 12. 2023 / Friday / 20.15


Small Hall
Film Theatre 2023/24


The Beasts(As bestas, Spain, France, 2022, 137 min.)
A French couple move to a Galician town in search of a closer relationship with nature. However, a conflict with their neighbours, the Anta brothers, causes tensions to grow until the situation reaches a point of no return.

Director: Rodrigo Sorogoyen
Screenplay: Rodrigo Sorogoyen, Isabel Peña
Photo: Alex de Pablo
Edited by: Alberto del Campo
Music by: Oliver Arson
Casr: Denis Ménochet (Antoine Denis), Marina Foïs (Olga Denis), Luis Zahera (Xan), Diego Anido (Lorenzo), Marie Colomb (Marie Denis), Luísa Merelas (Anta), José Manuel Fernández y Blanco (Pepino), Federico Pérez Rey (Mariano), Javier Varela (Xosé), David Menéndez (Alfonso), Xavier Estévez (Sergento Espin), Gonzalo García (Breixo), Pepo Suevos (Granjero), Machi Salgado (Rafael)
Production company: Arcadia Motion Pictures, Caballo Films, Cronos Entertainment, Le Pacte
Festivals and Awards: Cannes 2022; Brussels 2022; Donostia – San Sebastián; feroz awards 2022 (Association of Spanish Film Media): Best Film Award (Drama Films), Best Film Music Award, Best Supporting Actor Award; goya awards 2023 (Spanish Film Academy): Award for Best Spanish Film of the Year, Award for Best Spanish Director of the Year, Award for Best Lead Actor, Award for Best Supporting Actor, Award for Best Original Screenplay, Award for Best Film Music, Award for Best Photography, Best Editing Award, Best Sound Award; lumière awards 2023: award for the best international co-production; césar awards 2023: award for the best foreign film; Dublin 2023: Dublin Film Critics Award for Best Film; Donostia – San Sebastián 2022: Audience Award for Best European Film; and many other awards
Distributed by: Demiurg


Tickets Price
Regular: 5,5 €
Kids and Youth: 4,5 €


Contact and Information
T: 05 335 40 15
E: mestnagalerija@kulturnidom-ng.si


The tickets can be bought at the Box Office of the Nova Gorica Arts Center or through online sales.

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