Flores Musicae – Medieval and Renaissance Music Festival 2024

Flores Musicae – Medieval and Renaissance Music Festival
In 2017, after six editions, the former festival entitled Days of Early Music, which succeeded the Court Music series, underwent a transformation and a revival. The festival, which takes place in Nova Gorica and in Goriška Brda, has been renamed to Flores Musicae, and Medieval music has been added to the existing Renaissance repertoire. Flores Musicae festival is the only ancient music festival in the western part of Slovenia and the only festival dedicated to medieval and Renaissance music in Slovenia.

Bor Zuljan – The artistic director of the festival Flores Musicae
The artistic director of the festival is the renowned Slovenian guitarist and lutenist Bor Zuljan, who completed his studies in guitar, lute, medieval music and music pedagogy at the Haute école de musique de Genève. The series of concerts of Slovenian and international musicians will illustrate the various traditions of the longest period in music history.
In 2017, after six editions, the former festival entitled Days of Early Music, which succeeded the Court Music series, underwent a transformation and a revival. The festival, which takes place in Nova Gorica and in Goriška Brda, has been renamed to Flores Musicae, and Medieval music has been added to the existing Renaissance repertoire. Together in a friendly cross-border cooperation with the DRAMSAreM Centro Giuliano di Musica Antica, and with financial support from the Nova Gorica Municipality and the Ministry of Culture, we present interesting ensembles with innovative and fresh approaches to early music. The revival of early music during warm autumn days is thus a pleasant introduction to a new concert season. Masterclasses for lute, guitar, harp, harpsichord and singing, as well as other events are held alongside concerts. These events, which include free guided tours and food and wine tastings, promote the cultural heritage of the festival venues. The early music concerts united with the gems of our cultural heritage form a very special music experience.
This year, the festival concerts will take place in our small hall and in three evocative locations, such as the Cathedral of St Hilary and Tatiana (Gorizia, Italy), the hall of Kromberk Castle and the Renaissance Villa Vipolže (Goriška brda).
Villa Vipolže, embraced by picturesque vines, has been through different makeovers during its history. It served initially as a hunters’ lodge of the Counts of Gorizia who used it for their summer vacations. Later, it was owned by the noblemen of the families Herberstein, Della Torre, Attems and Teuffenbach. In the 17th century, the Venetians renovated it into their summer residence. It then took the form of a rectangular villa with two towers at the corners and the Venetian decor. To this day, it remains surrounded by a magnificent park with a Baroque fountain.
Barbara Poša Belingar
Public relations, organization and
coordination of cultural programs
T: +386 5 335 40 13
E: pr@kulturnidom-ng.si
Ticket Office
T: +386 5 335 40 16
E: blagajna@kulturnidom-ng.si