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23. 3. / 20.00


12. CASTLE HARMONIES / 1st concert / Kromberk Castle
23. 3. / 20.00


12. CASTLE HARMONIES / 1st concert / Kromberk Castle
13. 4. / 20.00


12. CASTLE HARMONIES / 2nd concert / Kromberk Castle
13. 4. / 20.00


12. CASTLE HARMONIES / 2nd concert / Kromberk Castle
11. 5. / 20.00


12. CASTLE HARMONIES / 3rd concert / Kromberk Castle
11. 5. / 20.00


12. CASTLE HARMONIES / 3rd concert / Kromberk Castle

About Castle Harmonies

The Kromberk Castle, one of the best examples of Renaissance architecture in the region, has served as the venue for chamber and solo evenings for more than a decade. The Castle Harmonies series presents a collection of carefully selected musical masterpieces.

Castle Harmonies showcase four concerts during winter and spring months. The series has evolved from a twelve-year legacy of the Hitove muze series, which was organized with the help of the exclusive sponsorship by the Hit company between 1991 and 2003. The concerts were first held in the heart of Goriška brda, at the impressive Dobrovo Castle.

During the transition period between 2004 and 2010, the series went by the name Goriške muze, taking place between the Dobrovo Castle and the Kromberk Castle. In 2011, the latter became the main venue for chamber and solo music performances with a different and fresh take on the series. The Castle Harmonies series is organised in cooperation with the Regional Museum Goriški muzej.

Season Ticket: 35 €
Season Tickets for Holders of Concert Season Tickets and Pensioners: 29 €
Season Ticket for Students: 20 € 

Single Concert Ticket: 13 €
Single Concert Ticket for Students and Retirees: 9 €
Single Concerts Ticket for Unemployed: free entry (upon presenting status evidence)

When: from January 10 to March 10, 2023
Where:  Nova Gorica Arts Centre Box Office
How: In Person
Payment: Upon Registration

Kulturni dom Nova Gorica,
Bevkov trg 4, SI-5000 Nova Gorica
T: + 386 5 335 40 10




Barbara Poša Belingar
Public relations, organization and
coordination of cultural programs


T: 05 335 40 13
E: pr@kulturnidom-ng.si

Impressions Of Performing Musicians within the cycle Castle Harmonies

“Hvala Kulturni dom Nova Gorica za prekrasno doživetje Kromberškega gradu… Po dolgem času sva spet na odru, preplavljeni z raznimi občutki, publika je skupaj z nama doživljala vsako noto!”
Aleksandra Pavlovič, pianistka in Sanja Repše, violončelistka
16. september 2021
“Prekrasna publika, čudovit ambient, iskrena hvala, da smo bile lahko del tega večera. Radi vas imamo, vaša Roya quartet.”
Roya Saxophone Quartet
7. oktober 2021
“Molto felice dell’ invito a suonare da voi in questa stupenda sala. Grazie di cuore!”
Patrizia Tassini, harfistka v Duu Harps Fusion z Nicoletto Sanzin
18. november 2021
“Hvala vam, da ste nas krstilii! Z veseljem spet pridemo! Srečno!”
Klavirski trio Žiga Faganel, Alja Mandič Faganel in Meta Fajdiga
13. januar 2022
“Prisrčna hvala za vaše povabilo, z veseljem smo gostovali pri Vas! Vaše gostoljubje in pozorno občinstvo je osmislilo naše stremenje k večni temi – ljubezni! Želimo Vam veliko uspešnih koncertov v vseh vaših u0022hramihu0022 in z veseljem se bomo še vrnili. Vaši Saša, Tatjana in Dušan.”
Duo Claripiano – Dušan Sodja in Tatjana kaučič ter Saša Mihelčič, dramska igralka
17. marec 2022
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